LaSpaziale “S40 Seletron Take Away” technical features:
– Electronic coffee machine with automatic dosing functions.– Electronic boiler temperature control.– Controllable thermal differential 0,5°C.– Digital boiler pressure sensor.– Digital water supply pressure sensor.– Digital water pump pressure sensor.– Built-in volumetric pump.– Electronic visualization and water level control inside the boiler.– Automatic system disconnect from electricity and water supply in the event of a malfunction.– ECONOMY function.– Manual and automatic BOOST Function.– Self-compensation of the boiler’s operating temperature based on the external ambient temperature (equipment dissipation level control).– EGS Function (Electronic Grounds System).– 5 programmable cup warming tray settings using electronic temperature control.– Sensor-based coffee coarseness control with a warning system.– Signal for a grind that is too fine.– Programmable timer for automatic on/off switch.– ITC function of the latest generation.– Machine group and boiler washing cycles.– Exclusive access to programming of the machine through a Service Card protected by a PIN code.– The ability to back up and restore system parameters using the Service Card.– Chronologic record of all the past alarms sorted by time and date.– Chronologic record of all the technical service operations sorted by time and date.– Hot water outlet for infusions with 2 programmable selections (one with adjustable temperature).– Scheduled maintenance interval control with a warning system.– Cartridge filter replacement sensors with a warning system.– Chronological record of programming procedures, possibility to assign a personalized ID to each technician.– Backlit graphic main display.– Displays on each of the coffee delivery groups indicating process and time left.– Software update installation capabilities using a Secure Digital (SD) memory card.– Customer Card for access to the menu for the user of the machine.– Lighting of the groups.
There are five colour options for this machine: burgundy, champagne, silver, black, or white.
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